Professor Zack

Break Season Prizes

Tournament Recap

First off, thank you to everyone who came to this month’s tournament! With another record-breaking attendance (9 players), it’s so exciting for me to see the Pokemon community here on the Western Slope continue to grow! Hopefully next time we won’t have to start so late as we wait for enough players to show up! (Thanks for everyone’s patience with that, by the way.)

BREAKthrough Prizes

EDIT: 1/9/15 – Information below has been updated to reflect actual quantaties of charms received.

As we start the final season of the BREAKthrough cycle, it’s time to talk about the much anticipated quarterly prizes! As you know, instead of the old gym badges, we’ll be giving out some awesome Pokeball charms! Be sure to read this post all the way to the end for important details on how to win these.

At our league on January 27th, we’ll be giving the charms out. Since we opted for the Casual award system, the charms will be awarded as follows:

  • Master Ball – The player who finishes the most matches during the three month BREAKthrough cycle. PLEASE BRING YOUR SOOTOPOLIS SCORECARD on the 27th so I’ll be able to tally up your matches! (Next cycle, we’ll be using a different method of tracking matches played vs. wins)
  • Luxury Ball – The player who has the best all-foil deck, as voted on by their fellow League players. On the 27th, everyone who wants to try to win the Luxury ball can either bring an already constructed 30 card foil deck, or build it at league. Extra points will be awarded for playability and creativity!
  • Premier Ball – The player who brings the most new players to League. This one could possibly be the easiest to win! There are still three more weeks to bring your friends, so hop to it!
  • Poke Ball – The player who best represents the Spirit of the Game, as determined by the League Owner. Yes, I’ve been watching everyone who comes to league for this award! As it says on the official Pokemon website, the Spirit of the Game keeps these principles in mind—fun, fairness, honesty, respect, sportsmanship, and learning.

Now, the BIG, IMPORTANT requirement for winning any of these charms: You MUST have an activated Trainer Club account on! This is mandated by TPCi, and is required for all leagues everywhere.

The good news is, I can see who in our league has activated accounts… and most of you are all set! But there are a few who do not, so if you’re not sure, ask me at league, or email me using this website’s contact form. The instructions for activating your Trainer Club account can be found on the Player ID card given to you when you joined the League. If you need help, please let me know, and I’ll walk you through it!

And that’s all! I look forward to seeing what 2016 brings to the Western Slope Pokemon League, and hope you all have fun on the journey with us!