Our New League Location!
Sorry, this update is long overdue! With the impending closure of Hastings, we’ve had to relocate league to a new venue. We are now meeting at the Montrose Regional Library at 320 South 2nd Street in Montrose in the large meeting room at the front of the building.
Important Note for September!
Due to scheduling difficulties with the meeting room, we will be meeting on Thursdays for the month of September! We will only be able to meet on the 8th, 15th, and 29th. We’ll still meet at 4:00pm on all three days, though we have to be out by 6:00om on the 15th.
Until attendance can come back up, we won’t be sanctioning any tournaments for the time being. Hopefully when we can get back into a good equilibrium and back to our normal attendance numbers, we can start having tournaments again!
We hope to see you at league!
Here are some vlogs from our last day at Hastings and our first day at the Library. Enjoy!