League Challenges are Coming to Montrose!
I’m excited to announce that the Western Slope Pokémon League in Box Buster Sports Cards will be holding our first ever TCG League Challenge on Monday, April 24th!
League Challenges are small, entry-level events on a local scale held by most Play! Pokémon Stores. In League Challenge tournaments, players can earn Championship Points and work toward earning an invitation the World Championships!
The tournament will be in the 2023 Standard Format, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the requirements here. Entry fee will be $10 per player, which will be collected at time of registration, with prizing for top players in each age division. We will be playing best-of-one swiss rounds. Number of rounds will be depend on number of players.
IMPORTANT! Players must provide a decklist at time of registration. Blank decklist sheets will be available at our regular League play on April 21st, or you can download one here.
DATE: Monday, April 24, 2023
ENTRY FEE: $10 per player LOCATION: Box Buster Sports Cards, 16367 South Townsend Unit 7, Montrose, CO 81401
Hope to see you there!