June 24, 2024
Gym Leader Challenge Tournament Recap
Despite some crazy weather, we had a great time at our first Gym Leader Challenge tournament in Montrose! GLC is such a unique and fun format and everyone had a great time!

We only had Junior and Master divisions, and I’d like to share the winning decks! Congrats to our winners, and we look forward to holding more fun events like this throughout the summer.

Junior Division Winner

Pokémon (15) | Trainers (35) | Trainers (continued) | Energy (10) |
Alolan Vulpix (GRI 21) | Aqua Patch | Level Ball | Capture Energy |
Articuno (SIT 36) | Archie’s Ace in the Hole | Lysandre | Splash Energy |
Palkia (PAR 40) | Bodybuilding Dumbbells | Misty’s Determination | Wash Water Energy |
Frigibax (PAL 58) | Brooklet Hill | Nest Ball | x7 Basic Water Energy |
Arctibax (PAL 59) | Crasher Wake | Ordinary Rod | |
Baxcalibur (PAL 60) | Dive Ball | Pokémon Communication | |
Carvanha (CPA 11) | Energy Loto | Professor’s Letter | |
Sharpedo (CPA 12) | Energy Search | Quick Ball | |
Cetoddle (PAL 54) | Escape Rope | Rough Seas | |
Cetitan (PAL 55) | Evolution Incense | Scoop Up Net | |
Sobble (SSH 55) | Evosoda | Shauna | |
Drizzle (SSH 56) | Field Blower | Skyla | |
Inteleon (SSH 58) | Float Stone | Timer Ball | |
Finizen (OBF 60) | Ghetsis | Trainers’ Mail | |
Palafin (TEF 49) | Ilima | Ultra Ball | |
Judge | VS Seeker | ||
Lake Acuity | Wicke | ||
Lana |
Master Division Winner

Pokémon (16) | Trainers (30) | Trainers (continued) | Energy (14) |
Tynamo (OBF 67) | Aether Paradise Conservation Area | Miriam | Speed Lightning Energy |
Eelektrik (LOR 60) | Bill’s Maintenance | Poké Ball | x13 Basic Lightning Energy |
Eelektross (LOR 61) | Dashing Pouch | Professor’s Letter | |
Mareep (SVI 66) | Electric Generator | Rare Candy | |
Flaaffy (EVS 55) | Electropower | Roseanne’s Backup | |
Magnemite (PAL 65) | Energy Recycle System | Spirit Mask | |
Magneton (FLI 35) | Energy Recycler | Stormy Mountains | |
Magnezone (FLI 36) | Escape Board | Super Scoop Up | |
Pawmi (PAL 74) | Friends in Galar | Superior Energy Retrieval | |
Pawmo (SVI 75) | Ghetsis | Trainers’ Mail | |
Pawmot (PAL 76) | Jacq | Training Center | |
Pincurchin (PAL 73) | Klara | Volkner | |
Regieleki (EVS 60) | Lady | Wally | |
Stunfisk (BKT 56) | Lillie | Wishful Baton | |
Thundurus (OBF 70) | Lysandre | ||
Zeraora (UNB 60) | Max Revive |