Professor Zack

The Winning Decks from Board Fox Game’s January 2025 League Challenge!

It was a great way to kick off the 2025 tournament year at Board Fox Games in Grand Junction! Here are the top 3 decks in each age division. Congratulations to the winners!

Junior Division 1st Place

Pokémon (20)Trainers (35)Energy (5)
x1 Bloodmon Ursaluna ex (TWM 202)x3 Area Zero Underdepthsx4 Double Turbo Energy
x2 Dusknoir (SFA 20)x1 Boss’s Ordersx1 Jet Energy
x2 Duskull (CRZ 28)x1 Briar
x2 Fan Rotom (SCR 118)x4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin
x1 Fezandipiti ex (SFA 84)x1 Colress’s Tenacity
x1 Hoothoot (SCR 114)x1 Counter Catcher
x2 Hoothoot (TEF 126)x1 Feather Ball
x3 Noctowl (SVP 141)x3 Iono
x1 Oranguru (SSP 156)x4 Nest Ball
x1 Pidgeot ex (OBF 225)x3 Night Stretcher
x1 Pidgey (OBF 207)x1 Prime Catcher
x1 Terapagos ex (SCR 173)x1 Professor’s Research
X2 Terapagos ex (SVP 165)x4 Rare Candy
x1 Switch
x2 Tera Orb
x3 Ultra Ball
x1 Vitality Band

Junior Division 2nd Place

Pokémon (12)Trainers (38)Energy (10)
x2 Flutter Mane (TEF 78)x2 Ancient Booster Energy Capsulex7 Darkness Energy
x1 Great Tusk (TEF 97)x1 Awakening Drumx3 Fighting Energy
x3 Koraidon (TEF 119)x1 Boss’s Orders
x1 Radiant Greninja (ASR 46)x2 Counter Catcher
x4 Roaring Moon (TEF 109)x3 Dark Patch
x1 Roaring Moon ex (PAR 124)x4 Earthen Vessel
x4 Explorer’s Guidance
x1 Hisuian Heavy Ball
x4 Nest Ball
x1 Pal Pad
x3 PokéStop
x3 Pokégear 3.0
x4 Professor Sada’s Vitality
x1 Super Rod
x2 Switch Cart
x2 Ultra Ball

Junior Division 3rd Place

Pokémon (18)Trainers (20)Energy (22)
x1 Bloodmoon Ursaluna (SFA 25)x1 Bill’s Transferx4 Darkness Energy
x2 Bouffalant (SCR 119)x3 Binding Mochix4 Fighting Energy
x1 Copperajah (SFA 42)x1 Boss’s Ordersx3 Fire Energy
x1 Cufant (SFA 41)x1 Calamitous Wastelandx1 Grass Energy
x1 Deoxys (PAR 74)x1 Crispinx3 Lightning Energy
x1 Drowzee (SFA 16)x1 Daisy’s Helpx1 Metal Energy
x2 Fan Rotom (SCR 118)x1 Deluxe Bombx4 Psychic Energy
x1 Genesect (SFA 40)x1 Janine’s Secret Artx1 Water Energy
x1 Horsea (SFA 10)x1 Kofux1 Luminous Energy
x1 Lucario ex (SCR 82)x1 Lisia’s Appeal
x1 Melmetal (SCR 104)x1 Morty’s Conviction
x1 Meltan (SCR 102)x3 Nest Ball
x1 Munkidori ex (SFA 37)x2 Switch
x1 Okidogi ex (SFA 36)x2 Xerosic’s Machinations
x1 Pecharunt ex (SFA 39)
x1 Riolu (SCR 81)

Senior Division 1st Place

Pokémon (17)Trainers (33)Energy (10)
x3 Charizard ex (PAF 54)x3 Arvenx9 Fire Energy
x3 Charmander (MEW 4)x4 Boss’s Ordersx1 Mist Energy
x1 Charmander (OBF 26)x4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin
x1 Charmeleon (PAF 8)x1 Collapsed Stadium
x1 Fezandipiti ex (SFA 84)x2 Counter Catcher
x1 Lumineon V (SWSH 250)x1 Defiance Band
x1 Manaphy (BRS 41)x1 Forest Seal Stone
x1 Pecharunt ex (SFA 39)x3 Iono
x2 Pidgeot ex (PAF 221)x3 Nest Ball
x2 Pidgey (OBF 162)x1 Professor Turo’s Scenario
x1 Rotom V (LOR 58)x4 Rare Candy
x2 Rescue Board
x1 Secret Box
x2 Super Rod
x1 Ultra Ball

Senior Division 2nd Place

Pokémon (14)Trainers (32)Energy (14)
x3 Iron Hands (TEF 61)x2 Boss’s Ordersx8 Lightning Energy
x2 Iron Jugulis (TEF 139)x2 Ciphermaniac’s Codebreakingx6 Psychic Energy
x2 Iron Valiant (TEF 79)x2 Energy Retrieval
x1 Iron Valiant ex (PAR 89)x4 Future Booster Energy Capsule
x4 Miraidon (TEF 121)x2 Nest Ball
x2 Miraidon ex (TEF 122)x2 Professor Turo’s Scenario
x4 Professor’s Research
x2 Rika
x1 Super Rod
x4 Switch
x3 Techno Radar
x4 Youngster

Senior Division 3rd Place

Pokémon (11)Trainers (30)Energy (19)
x1 Fezandipiti ex (SFA 38)x3 Arvenx5 Fighting Energy
x1 Iron Hands ex (PAR 70)x2 Boss’s Ordersx8 Grass Energy
x1 Mew ex (MEW 151)x2 Bravery Charmx6 Lightning Energy
x3 Raging Bolt ex (TEF 123)x2 Counter Catcher
x1 Slither Wing (PAR 107)x4 Earthen Vessel
x1 Squawkabilly ex (PAL 247)x2 Energy Switch
x1 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex (TWM 190)x3 Iono
x2 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex (TWM 25)x1 Nest Ball
x2 Penny
x1 Prime Catcher
x2 Professor’s Research
x3 Super Rod
x3 Ultra Ball

Master Division 1st Place – Carlos Garcia

Pokémon (16)Trainers (35)Energy (9)
x3 Baxcalibur (PAL 60)x2 Arvenx1 Lightning Energy
x2 Chien-Pao ex (PAL 61)x4 Buddy-Buddy Poffinx8 Water Energy
x2 Dudunsparce (TEF 129)x2 Call Bell
x2 Dunsparce (TEF 128)x3 Capturing Aroma
x1 Frigibax (PAL 57)x1 Earthen Vessel
x2 Frigibax (PAL 58)x1 Forest Seal Stone
x1 Iron Hands ex (PAR 223)x1 Hisuian Heavy Ball
x1 Radiant Greninja (ASR 46)x4 Irida
x1 Rotom V (LOR 58)x3 Nest Ball
x1 Wellspring Mask Ogerpon ex (TWM 194)x2 PokéStop
x1 Prime Catcher
x3 Rare Candy
x2 Super Rod
x4 Superior Energy Retrieval
x1 Switch
x1 Technical Machine: Devolution

Master Division 2nd Place – Adam Tuck

Pokémon (15)Trainers (27)Energy (18)
x1 Fezandipiti ex (SFA 84)x2 Area Zero Underdepthsx16 Lightning Energy
x1 Iron Bundle (SVP 58)x4 Arvenx2 Double Turbo Energy
x1 Iron Hands ex (PAR 223)x4 Boss’s Orders
x1 Iron Hands ex (PAR 248)x1 Bravery Charm
x1 Latias ex (SSP 220)x1 Counter Catcher
x1 Lumineon V (CRZ 39)x4 Electric Generator
x1 Magnemite (SSP 58)x1 Forest Seal Stone
x1 Magneton (SVP 159)x1 Hisuian Heavy Ball
x1 Mew ex (SVP 53)x4 Nest Ball
x2 Miraidon ex (SVI 244)x1 Rescue Board
x1 Pikachu ex (SSP 57)x1 Secret Box
x1 Raichu V (BRS 158)x3 Ultra Ball
x1 Raikou V (CRZ 41)
x1 Squawkabilly ex (PAL 264)

Master Division 3rd Place – David Wooten

Pokémon (20)Trainers (34)Energy (6)
x3 Charizard ex (OBF 125)x3 Arvenx6 Fire Energy
x3 Charmander (PAF 7)x2 Boss’s Orders
x1 Charmeleon (PAF 8)x1 Briar
x1 Dusclops (SFA 19)x4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin
x1 Dusknoir (SFA 20)x1 Canceling Cologne
x2 Duskull (SFA 18)x1 Collapsed Stadium
x1 Fezandipiti ex (SFA 38)x1 Counter Catcher
x1 Lumineon V (SWSH 250)x1 Defiance Band
x2 Pidgeot ex (OBF 164)x1 Forest Seal Stone
x2 Pidgey (OBF 162)x3 Iono
x1 Radiant Charizard (CRZ 20)x3 Nest Ball
x1 Rotom V (CRZ 45)x1 Professor Turo’s Scenario
x4 Rare Candy
x2 Super Rod
x1 Switch
x1 Tera Orb
x3 Ultra Ball
x1 Unfair Stamp