Professor Zack

Winning Decks from Montrose May League Cup

On May 11, we had our League Cup tournament in Montrose! Here are the decks that took 1st and 2nd in the Junior and Master divisions. Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to everyone that came and played!

2nd Place Juniors

Pokémon (14)Trainers (29)Energy (17)
3x Incineroar ex (TEF 34)1x Master Ball17x Fire Energy
1x Incineroar ex (TEF 187)2x Ultra Ball
1x Radiant Greninja (ASR 64)2x Lost City
2x Relicanth (TEF 84)2x Jacq
4x Litten (SIT 30)1x Miriam
1x Pidgey (MEW 16)1x Kindler
1x Pidgeot ex (OBF 217)4x Rare Candy
1x Torracat (SIT 31)4x Professor’s Research
4x Boss’s Orders
4x Nest Ball
2x Crushing Hammer
2x Magma Basin

1st Place Juniors

Pokémon (12)Trainers (40)Energy (8)
x4 Roaring Moon (TEF 109)x4 Professor Sada’s Vitalityx6 Darkness Energy
x4 Flutter Mane (TEF 78)x4 Ultra Ballx2 Fighting Energy
x3 Koraidon (TEF 119)x4 Explorer’s Guidance
x1 Radiant Greninja (ASR 46)x4 Nest Ball
x4 Ancient Booster Energy Capsule
x4 Earthen Vessel
x4 Pokégear 3.0
x3 PokéStop
x3 Counter Catcher
x2 Super Rod
X1 Awakening Drum
X1 Pal Pad
x1 Superior Energy Retrieval
x1 Roxanne

2nd Place Masters – Conrad Snyder

Pokémon (20)Trainers (33)Energy (7)
x1 Rotom V (LOR 58)x1 Counter Catcherx6 Fire Energy
x1 Manaphy (BRS 41)x1 Collapsed Stadiumx1 Mist Energy (TEF 161)
x1 Lumineon V (BRS 40)x2 Technical Machine: Devolution
x1 Cleffa (OBF 202)x1 Defiance Band
x1 Radiant Charizard (CRZ 20)x1 Forest Seal Stone
x1 Bidoof (CRZ 111)x1 Lost Vacuum
x1 Bibarel (BRS 121)x1 Nest Ball
x1 Charmeleon (PAF 8)x2 Super Rod
x1 Charmeleon (OBF 27)x4 Buddy-Buddy Poffin
x2 Pidgeot ex (OBF 164)x4 Ultra Ball
x2 Pidgey (MEW 16)x4 Rare Candy
x1 Charizard ex (OBF 125)x1 Eri
x2 Charizard ex (PAF 54)x1 Roxanne
x1 Charmander (MEW 4)x1 Professor Turo’s Scenario
x3 Charmander (OBF 26)x2 Boss’s Orders
x2 Iono
x3 Arven
x1 Hero’s Cape

1st Place Masters – Casey Cripe

Pokémon (12)Trainers (32)Energy (16)
x4 Iron Crown ex (TEF 81)x4 Arvenx2 Grass Energy
x3 Iron Hands ex (PAR 223)x3 Boss’s Ordersx14 Lightning Energy
x2 Miraidon (TEF 121)x3 Professor’s Research
x1 Mew ex (MEW 205)x1 Iono
x1 Iron Bundle (SVP 66)x4 Electric Generator
x1 Iron Leaves ex (TEF 25)x4 Future Booster Energy Capsule
x1 Town Store
x2 Heavy Baton
x1 Lost Vacuum
x1 Prime Catcher
x1 Counter Catcher
x1 Super Rod
x2 Nest Ball
x4 Techno Radar