Professor Zack

The Winning Decks from Box Buster’s July League Challenge

Montrose’s first League Challenge of the 2025 season was a blast! We once again had Juniors and Masters from across the Western Slope, and it was a great kick off to the new season!

As you can see from the winning deck lists below, Regidrago was the VSTAR of the show! 😏

Ok, that was awful. I’ll see myself out while you check out the lists. And don’t forget to see the results of our first Video Game Challenge!

Junior Division Winner

Pokémon (18)Trainers (31)Energy (11)
x4 Regidrago V (SIT 135)x4 Professor’s Researchx8 Basic Grass Energy
x3 Regidrago VSTAR (SIT 136)x3 Ionox3 Basic Fire Energy
x2 Dragapult ex (TWM 130)x3 Boss’s Orders
x3 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex (TWM 25)x1 Professor Turo’s Scenario
x1 Raging Bolt ex (TEF 123)x4 Ultra Ball
x1 Hisuian Goodra VSTAR (LOR 136)x4 Nest Ball
x1 Mew ex (MEW 151)x4 Earthen Vessel
x1 Squawkabilly ex (PAL 169)x4 Energy Switch
x1 Radiant Charizard (CRZ 20)x1 Superior Energy Retrieval
x1 Hawlucha (SVI 118)x1 Switch
x1 Super Rod
x1 Prime Catcher

Master Division Winner

Pokémon (19)Trainers (30)Energy (11)
x4 Regidrago V (SIT 135)x3 Boss’s Ordersx8 Basic Grass Energy
x3 Regidrago VSTAR (SIT 136)x4 Professor’s Researchx3 Basic Fire Energy
x4 Teal Mask Ogerpon ex (TWM 25)x3 Iono
x1 Squawkabilly ex (PAL 264)x1 Professor Turo’s Scenario
x1 Mew ex (MEW 151)x4 Nest Ball
x1 Cleffa (OBF 80)x4 Ultra Ball
x2 Dragapult ex (TWM 130)x1 Prime Catcher
x1 Raging Bolt ex (TEF 123)x4 Earthen Vessel
x1 Hisuian Goodra VSTAR (LOR 136)x4 Energy Switch
x1 Hawlucha (SVI 118)x2 Superior Energy Retrieval